A viable and active Board, meeting on a regular basis. Board meetings are open to non-Board members and we are always for suggestions.
A strong relationship with Grant Township, as well as all local municipalties,
We provide strong communication to our community members via newsletters and flyers of upcoming events.
Annual Summer Picnic
Annual Easter Egg Hunt, which is always a lot of fun!
A community garage sale,
Santa visits homes in our community every holiday season.
Our books have been audited.
We have a revised pier space agreement.
We operate under bylaws, which were revised in 2011.
Correspondence procedures are in place reguarding foreclosures and relating dues status.
Community easments have been surveyed.
Crockett sign has been found and re-displayed.
Ensured that all streets have been identified within the community and street signs are present and visiable.
Worked with township to get all roads repaired and resurfaced with curbs where needed for drainage.
Worked with township to get new mailbox posts and mailboxes where needed.
Attained record paid membership.
Have a community website.
Replenish sand at community park.